Assessment plots and statistical analysis

This report provides details of the assessment of mercury concentrations in plaice muscle at station North Sea (DOGGBK).

Timeseries metadata

  • OSPAR region: 2
  • Region: Southern North Sea
  • Station code: DOGGBK
  • Station name: North Sea (DOGGBK)
  • Station latitude: 55.25
  • Station longitude: 3.75
  • Compartment: biota
  • Species latin name: Pleuronectes platessa
  • Species common name: plaice
  • Tissue: muscle
  • Determinand code: HG
  • Determinand name: mercury
  • Units: μg kg-1 wet weight
  • Extraction: 9 January 2023

Assessment plot

Trend with data

Auxiliary data

Statistical analysis

Trend assessment

Analysis of variance

                Df       AIC      AICc  Log lik  Deviance    Chisq Chi df Pr(>Chisq)
mean             1 -5.743991 -2.143991 5.871995 -11.74399       NA     NA         NA
linear           2 -5.348201  2.651799 6.674101 -13.34820 1.604211      1 0.20530749
smooth (df = 2)  3 -6.647175 10.019491 8.323588 -16.64718 3.298974      1 0.06932318

Change in log concentration

              Year start Year end Fit start  Fit end    Change Std error        t  Pr(>|t|)
overall             2014     2021  3.081327 3.362424 0.2810971 0.2082132 1.350044 0.2257031
last 20 years       2014     2021  3.081327 3.362424 0.2810971 0.2082132 1.350044 0.2257031

Status assessment

     Conc fitted Conc ref  Log ratio Std error         t       Pr(>t)
QSsp    28.85905       20 -0.3666914 0.1276684 -2.872218 9.858276e-01
MPC     28.85905      500  2.8521844 0.1276684 22.340566 2.630774e-07


There is no significant temporal trend in the time series (p = 0.2053).

Concentrations at the end of the time series were not significantly below the QSsp (p = 0.9858). Concentrations could therefore have harmed marine life. Concentrations were significantly below the MPC (p < 0.0001), so were unlikely to have harmed human health.