ICES Marine Data
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 Station / Sampling Record
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91200409AA71AVR High Sea Fishing Port-Platform200440.6398-8.693983GPS20040930   AVR High Sea Fishing PortCEMP  B~T~S 
91200409AA71AVR Magalhães Mira-Platform200440.642833-8.73515GPS20040930   AVR Magalhães MiraCEMP  B~T~S 
91200409AA71AVR Barra Marégrafo-Platform200440.644159-8.748086GPS20040930   AVR Barra MarégrafoCEMP  B~T~S 
91200409AA71AVR North Comercial Port-Platform200440.649033-8.7293GPS20040930   AVR North Comercial PortCEMP  B~T~S 

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